Ok, I've been slacking. I blame exhaustion. And the heat. And Don Quijote. And, while I'm at it, I blame the guy who wrote the article about the TCU Band needing revamping by "playing something other than classical music". This is referring to a program that played Party Like a Rockstar last year. And live in Texas where it gets up to 100. It's hot...we're wearing wool...we're going to take the jackets off...deal. To said author: be ready for a verbal lashing that you've never experienced before. You've just pissed off about 200 people, not including the alumni, in a matter of paragraphs. Congratulations on not making your point, simply just making yourself look like an ass.
Anyways, let's see:
Day 8: A Picture that Makes You Angry/Mad
Well, any picture from before my junior year of high school should qualify.
This was January 4, 2010 where the TCU Horned Frogs FOLDED at the Fiesta Bowl. We're talking dropped the pass IN THE END ZONE and therefore missed the tying touchdown. We're talking interception beyond interception and an offense that wasn't present. Our defense scored the touchdown. The only happy part of that game was when the entire stadium was chanting "Andy Dalton" because some stupid little Bronco blind sided the crap out of him and he was on the groud for at least 2 minutes; he came back in during the next quarter. If we didn't have a rivalry with Boise then, we sure as hell do now. Go Frogs...BEAT THE SMURFS.
I just love everyone's faces in this picture, it pretty much sums it up.
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