Monday, August 30, 2010

I Suck.

Ok, I've been slacking.  I blame exhaustion.  And the heat.  And Don Quijote.  And, while I'm at it, I blame the guy who wrote the article about the TCU Band needing revamping by "playing something other than classical music".  This is referring to a program that played Party Like a Rockstar last year.  And live in Texas where it gets up to 100.  It's hot...we're wearing wool...we're going to take the jackets  To said author: be ready for a verbal lashing that you've never experienced before.  You've just pissed off about 200 people, not including the alumni, in a matter of paragraphs.  Congratulations on not making your point, simply just making yourself look like an ass. 
Anyways, let's see:
Day 8: A Picture that Makes You Angry/Mad
Well, any picture from before my junior year of high school should qualify.
This was January 4, 2010 where the TCU Horned Frogs FOLDED at the Fiesta Bowl.  We're talking dropped the pass IN THE END ZONE and therefore missed the tying touchdown.  We're talking interception beyond interception and an offense that wasn't present.  Our defense scored the touchdown.  The only happy part of that game was when the entire stadium was chanting "Andy Dalton" because some stupid little Bronco blind sided the crap out of him and he was on the groud for at least 2 minutes; he came back in during the next quarter.  If we didn't have a rivalry with Boise then, we sure as hell do now.  Go Frogs...BEAT THE SMURFS.
I just love everyone's faces in this picture, it pretty much sums it up.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I Want A Chipmunk; Only Singing Ones Need Apply.

Happy Friday Schoolers,
You've just survived your first week of school, what are you going to do now?  The correct answer is: I'm going to Disney World.
I've been uncommonly productive today: involving a multitude of household chores, including but not limited to, dishes, laundry, bed making and stuffing shit where I think it's supposed to go.  I also somehow managed to make it to the gym for the 5th day in a row, that's never happened.  But I will continue in my quest for good health and bodily perfection. :)
Day 7 - A Picture That Makes You Happy
This picture was taken over a year ago at the annual TCU Band end of band camp party, appropriately referred to as "The Puker".  Anyways this picture to me just reminds me of how great my friends are, even if you don't see them every day.  This is my "little sister" Lauren and her "big brother" Michael.  Michael and I had been friends for a while so when we found out that we had the same "little" I knew it was going to work out very well.  And it did.  Obviously.  This is one of the few pictures where I feel I look genuinely happy, not the fake smile that I have been known to produce.  It's not intentional, I promise, I'm a very happy person, just sometimes my smile apparently looks fake.
Not being in band any more has been weird but looking at this picture reminds me that these people are always going to be there.
Ok, sappy post over, I've got a date with my bed.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Can't Count.

Guess what.  I missed a day.  So I'm adding it now, especially since for the past 3 days I've claimed this is actually "Day 3".
Day 6 - Favorite TV Show
Well for crying out loud at least this one's easy.  I've already posted it, so you're probably well aware, but I love Glee.  Like alot.  I miss it daily and find myself at least once a week watching their finale performance as well as the I Dreamed A Dream duet between Idina Menzel...let's say it all together: "my idol"...and Lea Michele.  I think the cast is amazingly talented, and if they all weren't to begin with they've gotten there.  Cough cough Finn cough.  I love musicals as you know so anything where they sing at least 5 times an episode, I'm set.  AND I discovered they were doing "Sweet Caroline" and "Defying Gravity" on the same night, I'm pretty sure that was the night it pulled ahead of House.

So that's that, and tomorrow is Day 7 not Day 3.
Hello weekend, we meet again.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sean Penn has a Sexy Voice.

I'm currently watching a documentary about Bakersfield, CA and how they have a REALLY bad record for arresting innocent people.  That just baffles me.  Dear people of Bakersfield, do your job and catch the real bad guys.  It's narrated by Sean Penn; the title of this post isn't entirely random.  I imagine after filming Dead Man Walking he decided to go on a "wrongfully imprisoned" rampage, hence the aforementioned "Witch Hunt".

Day 3 - Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
I've always hated that saying.  What if I don't want anyone, or anything for that matter "tickling my fancy"?  My fancy and I are just fine, thank you very much.

It's 8:00, I had my homework done at 7 with answers to my questions about Don Quijote highlighted so that I can find them quickly, because I've heard that my teacher gives you crap if you didn't read.  So I read the translation, found the answers, and then highlighted.  If he gives me crap, we will be fighting.

I discovered the trailer for that movie 127 Hours with James Franco, it's the story of that guy who had to like bite of his arm to get it out from under a rock.  I have yet to decide if I will actually go see it.  I love James Franco...and Danny Boyle for that matter, but that's a little too real for me.  I'll do paranormal all day long, but add in a man chewing off his own arm...I'll keep you updated for my final decision.

That's what tickles my fancy, congratulations, you got it out of me.

Now tomorrow I'm going to go to class from 12 to 8 and work out for the 4th straight day in a row.  Wish me luck.  I'm just hoping I don't pass out in front of Andy Dalton at the gym.
 Now all of you, who don't follow TCU football because you're to busy thinking your team is superior (when mine in fact actually is), understand why passing out in front of him would be slightly embarrassing.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hell Has Been Replaced By A Swamp.

So, as of 5:23PM it's 92 but feels like 98; exponentially better than yesterday but now North Texas feels like a swamp.  But I'm home, watching Ultimate Cake Off, with my dog by my side and at least for the next hour and a half my homework will remain unfinished. 
Also, to Michael Moore (no, not the director), I'm sorry I'm not coming to your birthday dinner but I'm broke and gas is sacred.
Day 3 - Favorite Quote
I have too many...I have to cheat.  Deal.
"Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you're in diapers, the next day you're gone. But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. I remember a place, a town, a house like a lot of other houses, a yard like a lot of other yards, on a street like a lot of other streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I still look back, with wonder..."

This quote is from the series finale of The Wonder Years and basically sums up childhood in a nutshell.  I loved that show and always imagined I'd marry a boy like Kevin Arnold.  To all you Fred Savage look-a-likes out there, I'm single.

These two go basically hand-in-hand.

"You always said how lucky you were that we were all friends, but it was us baby who were the lucky ones..."

This one's from Rent during Angel's funeral.  It's 1) said by Maureen who's played by Idina Menzel, who's my idol and 2) I just think it's important to tell people how much they meant to you before it's too late.

And then of course, basically any line in the song "For Good" from Wicked. 

It just represents any relationship that you have with absolutely ANY person in your life.  This song describes my approach to life to a T.

Ok there you go bloggers, you can thank me later for the hours of entertainment my video additions have given you.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Wasn't Aware I Lived in Hell.

I'm dealing with a brain overload tonight:
1) My mother just said that she thought I should have "A Little Priest" from Sweeney Todd played at my wedding.  For those of you who don't know, that's the part where Sweeney and Mrs. Lovett dance around singing about killing and cooking people.
2) It's 100 degrees outside; it was evidently 120 degrees at around 4 this afternoon on the practice field.  I've never been happier that I've quit band.
3) I just had to translate the prologue to Don Quijote and have decided I may be in a little over my head.
Alright, now on to tonight's challenge question:
Day 3 - Favorite Book
When I was little the only thing that could get me to sleep was the book on tape of "James and the Giant Peach" and I still to this day have it memorized.  It's the one thing that can take me away from this world, or at least it was until I met a little boy named Harry Potter.  Therefore I'll just say it's tied.

My mom is still dancing around to Sweeney Todd, at least now we've moved on to Johanna.  Oh look, he just killed another one.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Last Day of Freedom.

So it being "Day #2" (it is in fact 1:09, I just haven't figured out how to set this to Central time) I'm supposed to write about my favorite movie, which is in fact INFINITELY easier than day #1.  I'm a film major and have a mother who has been forcing me to watch American Movie Classics since I was a toddler.  The woman got me the Alfred Hitchcock Collector's Set (in VHS I might add) when I was 10.  If there's one thing I know, it's movies.  That being said my all time favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast.  It has been ever since I discovered that when people have nothing else to talk about they will usually resort to one of three questions: what kind of music do you listen to, hobbies, and what's your favorite movie?
I grew up with the Disney Masterpieces and still strongly believe to this day it never got much better than that.  Alan Menken will always have a special place in my heart; as will the score to the segment where the beast turns back into a prince.  If I just ruined the ending for you because you've never seen this movie, than I'd have to say that you've got far bigger problems to deal with.
Now I'm fully willing to admit, and have admitted for quite some time, that Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie, however I would like to differentiate between THAT and my comfort movie.  I like to define the term "comfort movie" as a movie that you can watch over and over again and then still want to watch it one more time.   My comfort movie is in fact Sweeney Todd.  Yes the movie where Johnny Depp goes around slicing people's throats while he sings about vengeance and salvation.  You have to understand that there are three constants in my life that I can always count on: Steven Sondheim, Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp.  Enter: Sweeney Todd.  The first time I encountered Sondheim's masterpiece was in a "Survey of Musical Theater" class with Julie my second semester of college where our teacher was slightly eccentric; her favorite musical was in fact Sweeney Todd.  Now because of this teacher I think I was slightly against the musical when I first viewed the televised production with Angela Lansbury, thinking more of it as a joke than a legitimate piece of art.  I distinctly remember Julie and Alyssa singing "Johanna" at the top of our lungs just out of spite.  I'm still completely convinced that I could teach that class better than our teacher.  However if there's anything that can make me give this blood-slinger a second chance it's Johnny Depp.  So I saw it and I when I heard Johnny sing his version of "Epiphany" I was hooked and never looked back.  I got my mom hooked too, and to this day, it has a permanent position atop our Blu-ray player.

And on a slightly less passionate note, well rather just as passionate, not as positive.  To the middle schoolers who decided to wrap my house (and MY car) tonight, you're not funny.  Don't think I don't know EXACTLY why you did it.  The attention you wanted to get from my pubescent little brother didn't happen and is in fact negative attention now coming from me.  Wrapping a person's house and pissing their family off is not going to make that person like you, suck it up and face facts.  Buy him a candy bar, pay him a complement, don't wrap his older sister's car who's then going to yell at him about it.  Take that and swallow it.
I'm now going to go watch Sweeney Todd to calm down.


I felt it was my civic duty to conform and thus have decided to do the 30 DAY TUMBLR CHALLENGE *add echo for effect*.  It evidently (according to Kayla) consists of a question a day that I am to answer and justify said answer to the blogger world.  Since I'm bored and can't seem to get to sleep before 2 these days, I figured now was as good of a time as any.

Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Hokay so, Day 1, technically Saturday, August 21, 2010 and I'm supposed to name my favorite song.  I think it'd be easier to pick a favorite freckle.  To assist in this endeavor I, of course, turn to my handy, dandy (you know you want to say notebook) iTunes, which informs me that the songs that top my Top 25 Played list are mostly consisting of Broadway Musicals and Glee; that was not entirely helpful.  Though going off of this and skipping directly to the most "normal" song, I come across "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble, and therefore I'll choose this one for multiple reasons:
1) I probably would've chosen this one without even looking at the list.
2) He's even better live.
3) This song just makes me smile.
So thank you Michael Buble for assisting me in my quest to waste time and endeavor toward the roomie reuniting I so crave.
And now, on to dinner with the best roommates...EVER!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Won't Stop.

So the fact of the matter is today I realized how much I miss Glee.  If this leads to your desire to redirect yourself from this webpage, than so be it, I will not be ashamed.  I've watched the clips, the recaps, and yes, I am currently listening to one of the 64 songs I have assigned to a very appropriately named playlist entitled "Glee".  Being a woman of limited interests, one of those very large interests has to be the musical theater aspect of the entertainment industry:
Favorite Musical: Wicked
Favorite Broadway Personnel: Idina Menzel
Favorite Glee Persona: Switches between Finn and Puck, right now Finn's winning.
I do appreciate Fox's attempt to keep me satisfied by playing the entire first season over again week by week, but that doesn't necessarily help when I, along with the other millions of people, bought THAT half of the season when it came out on DVD and thus have them all memorized.  Therefore, I will shoot up a little prayer about making it September already.  It's marked on my calendar in all caps; a luxury I reserve for anytime TCU plays any team in Utah, and the trip to London I'm taking this Christmas with my mom and Jenna.  It's THAT important.
However something I realized I don't like is when someone says we're going to do something at a specific time and then backs off entirely when he realizes that his wife may decide to take her sweet time getting ready.  This is not the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last, however I would like to warn him that the more this happens the more pissed off I will get.  Keep that in mind.
 "They will catch me if I fall and I will see them through it all"
The Peanuts Class

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guinea Pig.

So the way I see it, this blog is bound to help me with one of three things:
1) it will assist me in getting away from things I want to get away from (i.e. my brother practicing his trombone at 10:30 at night)
2) it will keep up my impeccable grammar skills so that I can continue to correct my FATHER, family, and friends at a moment's notice
3) it will stop my head from exploding
D) all of the above.
Now I know that's 4, but a) math was never my strong suit and 2) I felt adding that in there was appropriate.

Let's see...who I am I?  If you're reading this and you don't already know please don't tell me; and for those of you who have forgotten here's a little refresher:
For those of you who think you've read this, you have; I stole it off of my Facebook because I didn't feel like coming up with new stuff:

1. I’m a perfectionist about really pointless stuff, i.e. scrapbooks, slideshows, posters. I will seriously freak out if the picture heights don’t match or a line isn’t straight and have been known to spend hours fixing said problems. But everything else I can usually whip out in around half an hour.

2. I’m addicted to House, it’s the one show I can watch for hours on end. That is why USA is my best friend because of their random House and Law & Order SVU marathons.

3. I have a feeling that once John Stamos joins Glee that that will become my new addiction.

4. If someone says something that are also lyrics to a song, I will start singing that song. Guaranteed. Now whether it’s out loud or in my head depends on who I’m with, but I promise you it always happens.

5. My mom and I are freakishly close. We have every season of Gilmore Girls on DVD because it reminds us, and my grandmother, of our relationship. She’s my best friend.

6. I’m not a clean person by any means, when it comes to my room that is. It’s gotten better since I moved out, but there were times I couldn’t see my floor at home.

7. I’m obsessed with pictures. If I could be assured I wouldn’t get weird looks I would take pictures all the time. They’re everywhere. In my room alone there are 49.

8. And yes, I’m the type of person who would spend the time to count all of them.

9. My parents got divorced when I was 9 and, as bad as it sounds, I’m happier for it.

10. When I go home for Christmas I essentially live in two worlds. I have two (twin) step-brothers and a step-mom at my dad’s and at my mom’s it’s just her and me.

11. My favorite movie has been and always will be Beauty and the Beast. The day my VHS player ate my Beauty and the Beast video tape was the saddest day of my life.

12. I switched my major from Business to Radio/TV/Film last year and it was seriously the best decision I’ve ever made. I want to be a film editor when I grow up.

13. My step-mom has some strange obsession with driving places rather than flying. Like driving from Dallas to Cincinnatti for my grandmother’s funeral. I still don’t understand the logic behind that one. I think she might be scared of planes.

14. I was dead set against going to TCU until my dad made me take a tour of the campus. The rest is history. Thanks Dad.

15. My mom and I went to 5 movies in 6 days over Christmas break. It’s what we do.

16. My mom is the reason I’m a film major. I can quote To Kill A Mockingbird and my favorite Hitchcock film is Rebecca. That I owe to her.

17. My clarinet and guitar both have permanent spots in my room, in my closet and beneath my window. Neither gets played as much as they should but it’s good to know they’re there.

18. The people I live with are incredible. I’m convinced they will be in my life forever, all 4 of them.

19. I can stay up hours later than anticipated looking up youtube footage of musicals. Thank God for the people who break billions of copyright laws everyday in order to allow me that luxury.

20. I never had any older siblings but my Dad’s brothers and sisters filled that void.

21. When I was in second grade our teacher made us watch a movie about tornadoes and it said Texas had over 200 tornadoes a year, from that moment on I was petrified and hated anything that had to do with weather. To this day I still don’t like when the sky gets any color other than blue or grey.

22. I have had one dog that truly belonged to me, she died almost 3 years ago. However I do enjoy being entertained by Winston, who belongs to my mother, and Austin, who’s Bobby’s.

23. My favorite place in the world is London. I could spend all day at Westminster Abbey and then go to the West End at night and be perfectly content with my life.

24. I am planning on having to move to either LA or New York after I graduate. Thinking about it makes me feel around 35 different emotions at once, some of which I never knew I had.

25. I’ve accepted the fact that Neil Diamond has and always will be a part of my life and I would just like to thank him for choosing my name to put in his song. The group Outkast however, I do not wish to thank.

Those are the well written parts of my life, but I also:
Bleed purple.
Hate burnt orange.
Hate heat almost as much as I hate burnt orange.
Love hugs.
Love my friends.
Love hugs from my friends. (I made Michael get out of his car to give me a hug today only to find that he was drenched in sweat; I took one for the team)
Think Johnny Depp is a complete and total genius.
Will admit that Sweeney Todd is my comfort movie.
Have a semester left before I enter the real world; here's to hoping it's the longest semester in existence.
Want a puggle when I grow up.
Had this feeling that when I quit band it wouldn't be able to function without me; I was wrong.
Have seen Wicked 4 times and Beauty and the Beast 5.
Was more excited to hear that Alan Menken was adapting Newsies for the stage than seeing Beauty and the Beast for the 5th time.
Got into a BIG fight with my step-mom when she thought that Dean Martin starred in To Kill A Mockingbird.
Got into a BIGGER fight with my step-mom and step-brother because they said Michael Buble couldn't sing.
Saw Idina Menzel perform with the symphony this summer and I'm not afraid to say she's my idol.
Would like to work as an editor for Glee when I grow up.

"The Sexy Six"
Sarah, Morgan, Julie, Caroline, Jessica, and Jenna.

And at 12:54 I've lost my mojo, so here's to you and yours' and of course to the preservation of my sanity.