Friday, July 8, 2011

Evidently I Still Suck At These.

Ok, I remembered today that I had forgotten to post about my "Least Favorite Movie" yesterday.  I could conceivably blame any number of different things for my lack of post: the Casey Anthony verdict, the fact that it feels like Hades every time I walk outside, or even the fact that I'm about to have what could be the meeting that will change the rest of my life in about 3 weeks.  Regardless, considering my track record with these things I refuse to admit defeat just yet.

Day 2: Least Favorite Movie

This one actually may be harder than yesterdays.  The problem with it is that there are so many different factors that come into play when picking out one's LEAST favorite movie.  Now see picking out what I deem to be the WORST movie of all time would be somewhat easier.  I could pick out the worst director/writer: M. Night Whatever (post "Sixth Sense) or the worst actor of all time: tie between Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage, or even worst performance by an actor: Sofia Coppola in "Godfather III."  But here they're asking me to pick my least favorite movie EVER.

I'm going back a few years for this one but I'll just go with "Old Yeller."  Yes, the one from the 50s where the dog gets rabies and they have to shoot it.  Basically anything where a dog dies is a horrible movie.

"I Am Legend" also qualifies in this category, my mother and I decided to watch that about 2 months after the dog I'd had since I was 4 died.  Needless to say we were both bawling and I contemplated walking out of the theater.

I hope I was able to distinguish to you the difference between "worst" and "least favorite."  Because the fact is that not all movies where dogs die are poorly made, I just think that they should never be mass produced.

Till whenever.

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