Ok, so remember my feeble attempts at doing one of those Tumblr (still have no idea what this is) challenges? Well, good news, I found one that I'm going to actually finish. Why, you ask? Because it's about movies. Duh.
I found this because one of Facebook friends/film majors posted it to her page. I however am not going to fill up Facebook news-feeds world wide with my 30 day film challenge that they don't want to know about. If my calculations are correct, I should be done with this somewhere around December. Notice I said I would finish it, I just didn't say it'd be in the allotted time frame. That being said, here we go:
Day 1 - Your favorite film:
Now there's a shocker.
Ok, I'm gonna cheat on this sucker. If you remember back to when I started this blog and attempted the 30 Day Challenge, I had two favorite movies. Good news, it's now gone up to 3.
I won't go in depth on the first two, but if your that interested go look back through some of my posts, my reasoning is in there somewhere.
1) Beauty and the Beast (obligatory favorite movie)
2) Sweeney Todd (comfort movie)
and 3) Inglourious Basterds (legitimate favorite movie)
I get weird looks when I say that I love that movie, mostly from people who haven't actually seen that movie. The ones who have seen it tend to agree with me on the epicness of this film.
I think Tarantino's a genius. Plain and simple. For those of you who don't know, the movie is about a group of soldiers during WWII whose main purpose is to scare the bajeezus out of Hitler by killing and then scalping as many Nazi's as possible. There are other fantastically ingenious subplots thrown in there and they all mesh together seamlessly, it's really quite incredible. Of the 2 and a half hours of dialogue, only about half is in English, but you really don't even notice the subtitles. The rest of it is in either French or German and Tarantino wrote the entire script. He also managed to create one of the most beautifully filmed, miraculously scored, and brilliantly executed films that has ever graced the screen. Another reason this movie rocks: the cast. I will forever be grateful to Quentin Tarantino because he introduced America to Christoph Waltz. His performance is of the same caliber as those of Olivier, Peck, Hanks, Penn, and of course Firth. His performance ALONE, is reason enough to see this movie.
The ensemble that Tarantino brought together will go down in the books as one of the best of all time. "To Kill a Mockingbird" caliber guaranteed.
Ok I've exhausted myself and gotten off my soap box.
Needless to say, go see it.
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