Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Live Long and Suck It Zachary Quinto.

I had to use a Sheldon quote in honor of today. Today I will be attending my very first taping of a TV show that did not involve high school/college band. The fact that it's my favorite show makes it even better. The Big Bang Theory came into my life with a vengeance and within about 6 months I have purchased and made it through every season and it is now a staple on my "recorded television" list.

God bless Naomi Filoramo, who knows Maria Ferarri, who is a producer on the show.  Sometimes I think God gives me signs to let me know that I made the right decision. My first trip to LA, the first famous person I saw was Idina Menzel. The next day when I was going to the Editor's Guild screening of "Secretariat," I saw Diane Lane waiting for her car. The day I said yes to this job, Jeff Goldblum was seated at the table next to us at lunch. And now my coworker, and newly named "favorite person ever," knows a producer of Big Bang. It's things like this that make me think I may be getting this right after all.

Julie comes in town on the 9th and I'm very excited. I mention this because I know she reads this and I'm already in the midst of planning a fantastic reunion/girls night, involving Christopher Rhea. And yes, he may participate in the girls night as well. Because Julie Carter, whether you're aware of it or not, I'm claiming you for one night. I need a fucking sleepover.

I will be getting no work done today because I will be watching the clock the entire time. 4:45 get here speedily please.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bazinga Punk. Now We're Even.

So I'm now required to make two plaques for "Best Gift Giver Ever" for my other boss (our assistant editor) Naomi because she has managed to procure for me two tickets to a taping of "The Big Bang Theory" next Tuesday night. It still amazes me how these people get all these connections. A friend of hers is a Co-Executive Producer on the show and now my mother and I will be going to Warner Brothers Studio with VIP status. So seeing as how 2012 has started, this looks like it's going to be a pretty damn good year. And I ordered a Zumba kit that I saw on an infomercial at 2 o'clock in the morning. And no, I'm not one of those people that orders everything she sees on the home shopping network, I had been thinking about taking a class but 1) that would require me leaving my apartment, 2) that would require me paying for more than one if I liked it, and 3) I have no one to go with. If that last one makes me sound like I'm five than so be it, I, however, am proud of my hesitance to try new things alone. So now I can embarrass myself while attempting to lose weight in the privacy of my own home.

My birthday is on Sunday. I will be 24. And while I'm told on a daily basis how young I am or scoffed at because the first time I'd heard "Your Song" was in Moulin Rouge, I always imagined 24 as being just plain old. I no longer think of it as being old, just the first step in reaching my late 20s.

In other news, I may be forced to try Thai food today. I've never had Thai food. I've never had in interest in trying Thai food. But that's what happens when you mention that you've never had Thai food, you're forced to try it. And for someone with the eating habits of a 5-year-old boy, the entire concept of trying something new is somewhat overwhelming. Especially when the only thing I've heard about it is that it's spicy. I live in Texas and I'll eat steak till my heart's content but I don't do spicy.  We'll see how this goes.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Have the Eating Habits of a 5-year-old Boy.

I remember when we were coming back from England, Julie got mad at me because I picked the veggies off of my airplane pizza. Let it be known, since then, I have tried Tofu, Indian food, have become quite accustomed to Chinese, and today had salmon for lunch.  Some resolutions I may stick to, some I may not.  The whole becoming a cleaner person may have to wait till next year, just take a look at the pile of workout clothes strewn across my already cramped apartment.  Another resolution that I forgot to put it on my resolution post, I need to ween myself off of my Diet Coke addiction.  I'm trying, but when your water filter's broken and you're too lazy to call the maintenance man to come fix it and your other option is milk, which has calories, a can of chemicals seems like the lesser of two evils.  Naomi would suggest otherwise.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

One of Those Days.

Yesterday sucked. Today will suck. At least the latter half when the whole of the bungalow will be going to Andy's funeral and it will be empty. Currently, however, we're trying to make a vacuum sound like an airplane and listening to Ryan do his best Dean Martin impression in the other room. I spent a majority of my day yesterday bracing myself for a wake, needless to say, none of that preparation helped. There's no good way to approach something like this, where you walk into a room and realize that while your life may not be so different, there are people in the room who will never be the same. He was 56 and died alone while his family was out. You never know at which precise moment your life is going to change. You never know how it will change. And no matter how hard you try you will never understand why. There isn't a reason for these type of things, sometimes things just suck. Trying to justify it won't help you feel better about the fact that there's a 16 year old standing up there talking about how her father died when she was on a ski trip. If I'll take anything away from this it's that it's never a bad time to tell your friends and family that you love them. It's given me the desire to accomplish everything I want to accomplish before I die, whether it be in 300 some-odd days or when I'm 95 and can't remember how to tie my shoes. I guess in some weird way this is the push I needed to always remember to live, to love, and to laugh...often.

Last night was the first night since I've been here that I wished I was back home. What I would've given to have been able to drive to someone's house and just cry with them.

On a lighter note my boss just scared the shit out of Naomi while she was trying to make turbulence sounds. It feels good to laugh. And to those of you that actually read this, no I'm not turning emo on you, I promise this is a one time thing. Well not a one time thing, I mean people in my life will die and I will be sad again, but I'm taking this one as a resolution incentive. Don't take anything for granted and live life the way you want to live it. Period. End of story.

Rest in Peace Captain Andy, you will be missed.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Just Keep Swimming.

So far in 2012, I've learned how to play Chicken Foot, taken a Christmas card picture, flown back to LA, and used FaceTime for the first time.  I've discovered that this will be my contact method of choice because 1) it runs on WiFi, so the dead-zone in my apartment is deemed irrelevant and 2) it's not as awkward as talking on the telephone.  I managed an hour and a half long conversation with Trey, which I can guarantee would've lasted about 2 minutes had we not been able to make funky faces at each other the whole time.  We're back at work and today's pretty chill, as I expected it would be.  And the editorial department has decided that one of our New Year's resolutions is to lose weight.  Sean has taken on the approach of "never eating again" while Naomi and I just spent a good 15 minutes analyzing the nutritional facts on the California Pizza Kitchen menu.  I have until reshoots to lose 15 pounds and get tan...ready, set, go.

If I've learned anything this year it's don't take anything for granted.  Our unit production manager had a heart attack on the 30th and died.  One of my high school friend's mom's just found out she has terminal cancer and now has to decide whether she wants to live for 24 months or for 6.  Nothing is a sure thing and I plan on never letting the little stuff phase me again.  I have a great life, a job I love, and friends that I can talk to, make funny faces at, and watch fix themselves bowls of mint chocolate chip for hours at a time.

Oh and I plan to blog more, because the 1400 miles distance thing between friends sucks.  I gave Trey the official tour of the apartment last night, maybe I'll upload that shiz to this so people can get the full effect.  Granted it evidently seems smaller on video than it does on pictures so I may just leave it to the imagination.

Alright I should probably do something productive now, but I will probably salivate over my salad that may or may not get here within the next two hours.  What a gripping life I lead.