Monday, August 5, 2013

I am Heisenberg.

I suck at blogging. I've accepted it and you should too. Regardless, here's my feeble attempt to keep this thing going. I make no promises as to whether or not it's actually cohesive, comprehendible, or intelligent.

Somehow, and I have no idea how this is humanly possible, it is August. To me August means 2 things, 1) the Facebook friends who are teachers and have had the last three months off will stop posting about how they've been doing absolutely nothing and actually get back to work and 2) as bad as life gets in LA, at least I'm not in Texas where it was 104 degrees yesterday.

The last 8 months have been a whirlwind.

I finished 'White House Down.' It came out and flopped. I don't really care considering that I still got paid; I blame Gerard Butler though. Never has my name looked as cool as it did when it was up on that screen. No matter what happens with this whole editing thing, I'll always have that and I'm ok with it.

I started and completed P90X all while giving up Diet Coke. No more can shrines for this girl. I'm still trying to keep it to one a week, those who know me will know how big of a deal this actually is. The word 'monumental' comes to mind.

I managed to go home for 2 weeks. I got fed, surprised, loved, and drunk. All in all I'd consider it a success.

I'm now working on the movie adaptation of 'Heaven is for Real.' It's a book about this kid who evidently died for a few minutes and went to heaven where he met his grandfather who doesn't wear glasses. I haven't read the book nor the script yet but since my room is right next to the editor's (he edited Speed and Braveheart) I now can sing each and every verse to 'Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.' The movie's much smaller than the last one and, despite the pay cut that came with it, I have yet to stay past 7. Never has an 11 hour work day seemed so awesome.

The roommate and I are considering writing a screenplay. I'm keeping the subject matter a secret though because I really can't believe no one's made a movie about it already. To be continued...

Jude and I are celebrating our 1 year anniversary on Sunday, there will evidently be food and wine involved. It also managed to fall on the midseason premiere of Breaking Bad, a show that up until 2 weeks ago I'd never been able to get in to. Jude loves it. My mom loves it. I was evidently missing something. I refused to deprive Jude of his Walter White though, so over the past 2 weeks I watched the first 4.5 seasons and am officially caught up.

As if on cue I almost ran into (like literally ran into) Bryan Cranston at lunch today. To the celebrities who hide behind the sunglasses, when you have smiles like that I'm going to recognize you with or without your hair.

To my Tejanos, I'll be home at Thanksgiving Irish boy in hand. Plans thus far include eating, going out to show him Dallas and his first ever football game. The boy lived in Austin for 2 years and has still never been to a football game. My mission is clear. 'Go Frogs beat the Baptists.'

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