Saturday, September 15, 2012

Temporary Inspiration

Whenever the movie 'Julie & Julia' is on television I am suddenly overcome with the urge to blog. It goes without saying that it is in fact on and I am suddenly encouraged to actually finish a post.

As I lay here switching between the Meryl show and 'Dial M for Murder' I can't help but wonder how it is 10:30 at night and I am sweltering. Seriously, it's hot as Hades in Southern California today and I am sprawled out on my bed 'starfish' style. I doubt Grace Kelly ever had to deal with conditions like this.

I don't remember the last time I wrote, nor do I care to go back and search for said date at the risk of getting distracted and not finishing this update. I think I can, I think I can, I think...SQUIRREL! Speaking of squirrel, my roommate and I named a squirrel outside our building this morning...Chester. Therefore every squirrel we see outside will obviously be Chester.

Monumental things that have happened that I may or may not have included in my last update.

I moved in with a girl who I went to high school with. Her name is Shawn and she is essentially me with red hair, if only slightly more outgoing and OCD. Our apartment is lovely and full of laughter and half of what I was paying in Studio City. I'm within walking distance of a movie theater, a Chipotle, and a Cold Stone, all of which are right next to eachother. Whoever came up with that brilliantly horrible placement should either get a medal or be tied to a stake in the town square so I can throw burritos, ice cream, and slightly stale movie popcorn at them. By this point I will be morbidly obese so I may only have the stamina to throw the burrito, but the point will have been made.

I am still on the same movie. At this point it seems never ending. We've been on hiatus for the past couple weeks but should be gearing back up soon. The time hasn't been wasted as I am now a licensed California driver! At least the piece of paper that is currently in my wallet says I am. My car will soon be registered and then hopefully I won't have to set foot in a DMV for at least 6 months.

There is a dude-friend, as Danny so eloquently put it, in the picture. His name is Jude. He is from Ireland and I call him leprechaun behind his back. He is in marketing for a start up. He spent two years in Austin so humors me with my obsession with football. He went to college in Scranton, PA and therefore is a awesome because he went to school in the same city as The Office. His favorite movie is 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off' which is the most important thing and obviously makes him awesome. It's new. It's going well. I'll report on it as I deem appropriate.

College football has started up again, thank you JESUS! TCU's 2-0, and after today's game I'm considering that a miracle. Casey Pachall managed to meet the # of fumbles I allot per season in one single game, but a win's a win. Peace. Love. And Frogs.

And now, my movies are over and I have completed an update! It was exhausting and I'm still hot. I'm going back to my starfish position.

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