Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reaching the Limit.

So as I currently sit pondering my existence in the sweatshirt that has adorned my body for the past 4 days, I am now going to simply accept the fact that I may be coming down with something.  My first hint should have been when I willingly bought 2 dresses on Monday, one of them being bright pink.  I hate dresses.  Probably because my father always wants me to wear them which makes me believe that he is convinced that I am still 5 years old.  He even said I could wear the bright pink one to an interview.  Hell no.  News flash, I'm not 5, I like pants, and Boise State and Texas Tech SUCK!
Both teams have, in the past week, managed to whine their way to completely RUINING our season, AND have forced me to consider driving to Smurfland this fall.  I'd made it a point to never visit Boise or the blue field which should be considered illegal by the NCAA Standards Committee, but seeing as how that committee managed to let Cam Newton play in the game, I'm not going to hold my breath that it's actually going to happen.
I'm contemplating making a website to promote myself and my lack of experience, considering that I have yet to find any job leads, maybe this will assist me.  Maybe I'll just stick to my current approach to life and "do it tomorrow."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Continuation into the Abyss.

So, as I'm sitting at dinner with Trey I get a text message from my former roommate Julie who promptly informed me that I had neglected my blogging duties as of late.  This neglecting however has assisted in my obtaining a college degree, so therefore the neglecting has been deemed worth it.  Along with the degree came a realization that my priorities need to be reordered, hence the recent decision to blog.
I don't remember what I last blogged about, nor do I care to take the time to look, but I have the slightest inclination that it had to do with Boise State in some shape or form.  Good news, TCU got their spot in the Rose Bowl and proceeded to win said game by two points because of the near perfect reflexes of a man named Tank, who I've decided is worthy of fathering my children.  I watched the game from my London hotel room on GameCast because no one outside of the continental US seems to give a damn about American football and I feared if I went and complained they'd direct me to the nearest soccer field (aka football pitch).  So I stayed up till 1 o'clock (UK time) watching little dots sporadically run across the field and playing solitaire on my phone while trying not to have a heart attack, and at that rather late hour I was able to proclaim to the world that my school won the Rose Bowl despite playing a team that had scored upwards of 250 points in its last 3 games.  Suck on that Kellan Moore, you still look like an inbred, I'm just less mad about it.
London was a graduation gift from my most gracious mother who used her flight benefits to get us, and my former roommate Jenna, over the pond.  While more stressful than we would've liked due to our required "stand-by" status, the fact that we got first class both there and back made up for it and the fact that we had to turn around in Toronto because some high school band student decided to go and have a panic attack.  I now have a much greater sympathy for the people who had to endure traveling with the Coppell High School Marching Band.
Since Jenna had never been to my favorite place in the world I delved into my role as tour guide and, apart from an episode with the Globe, I think I did quite well.  While the weather was quite similar to Dallas in the winter it seemed substantially colder, but being there for New Years was an experience that I will never forget.  Only topped by a Horned Frog victory 24 hours later.
Now that I'm home I find myself still slightly jet-lagged and getting tired at around 10, very uncharacteristic for a self-proclaimed night owl such as myself, but I am appreciating American food now.  For example, this evening at dinner I realized how exceptional Chili's burgers are.
As is custom, it's 9:30 and I'm getting slightly drousy, so I'm going to sign off and watch The Outsiders and continue to pick out all of the 80s stars who are now playing dads on sitcoms.  Hey look there's Rob Lowe, and Tom Cruise when he was sane!
Peace out abyss; until next time.